Sunday, November 29, 2009

new to blogging - not sure what to do

This is my first blog. Not sure what to do.

If anyone has any advise please let me know

Hopefully I'll remember how to get back to here.

I added it to my favorites. That should do.

Not sure what to post. I guess anything is what most people post.

Their own views, hopes and fears.

Their likes and dislikes both in the normal world and the world of politics movies the future or just to ramble on.

I'm a 65 year old Vietnam Vet who served with the Big Red One, 121st Signal Battalion.

I have 20 grandchildren. 15 who are mine and 5 who I accept as mine since my son has been married 4 times now. 3 grandchildren are no longer alive. 1 stillborn, 1 shook to death by ex daughter in laws boy friend, 1 died from suffocation at 3 months.

I'm retired collecting a small pension and social security. Still not enough money to go around.

I did better under bush. So far I haven't seen much under present addmisistration. He may pull it off. I still like McCain/Palin better. Clinton would have been a better president also.

Well not much at the moment so will see how this goes.

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